What happens when you partner one of the top compensation consultants in the country with a highly sought-after app developer? A very balanced result.

Our clients are comp-savvy business partners within their grit, vision, hustle, and heart. Since 2010 we’ve grown to a team of 16, and every employee at BalancedComp is intelligent, collaborative, a self starter, accountable and has a deep sense of responsibility to clients and each other.

Consider this our digital handshake, and we look forward to sharing the real thing with you soon!

Christie Summervill Chief Executive Officer
Philippe Asselin Chief Consultant
Rachel Prine Senior Compensation and Performance Management Consultant
Deborah Reid Senior Executive Consultant
Jeff Miller Consultant
Crystal Hughes Consultant
Jacqualyn Summervill Chief Operating Officer & Head of Product
Jordan Summervill Compensation Manager
Andrew Stephens Chief Brand Officer
Thea Pajunen UX/UI Designer
Vic Lawrence Graphic Designer
Jennifer Wheeler Marketing Director
James Truhlar Senior Front-End Developer
Michael Spohn Engineering Manager
Lewis Ayers Senior Software Engineer
Nick Summervill Developer

Christie Summervill


Chief Executive Officer


14 Years

When Christie Summervill founded BalancedComp in 2010, her goal was nothing less than to radically reimagine salary administration. With over two decades of leadership in business, Summervill saw that the financial services sector could be getting more out of their compensation strategies, but technology and data quality were holding them back from gaining true insights. What banks and credit unions didn’t need was another complicated spreadsheet, instead, Summervill envisioned a new paradigm for bringing the human back into human resources. The creation of BalancedComp signaled a momentous shift in the landscape of salary administration; a new era where big data started to work for the benefit of people, and financial institutions could begin to benefit from fully integrated compensation design.

Summervill envisioned integrated compensation design as a holistic application of data, market analysis, and human experience applied to salary and incentive planning in the financial services industry. In the same way that banks and credit unions rationalized lending processes using a variety of tools and inputs, Summervill wanted HR departments to have the structure and information they needed to make confident and knowledgeable decisions about their compensation strategy. Recognizing that compensation design begins with quality data, Summervill builds products for banks and credit unions that apply BalancedComp's industry-recognized salary survey data to the unique circumstances of each client. The combination of data, technology, and customer-focused consulting results in both profitability and equitable salary administration for BalancedComp's customers.

At each stage of innovation, Summervill brings a keen understanding of what matters to the people who use BalancedComp’s products and services. For Summervill, truly integrated compensation design means coming alongside her clients in collaboration. Many of the features in BalancedComp’s performance management software are a result of close consultation over years with HR professionals in banking. Her hands-on approach to consulting allows Summervill to see the challenges clients face first-hand, and her experiences across hundreds of banks and credit unions give her the expertise to bring novel and effective solutions to the table.

In the 10 years since Summervill founded BalancedComp she has grown the company from a regional upstart to a nationally-known and respected compensation design firm, focusing exclusively on financial institutions. BalancedComp advises large and mid-sized banks and credit unions with assets as large as $20B. Summervill’s team of experts in economics, design and data science create and leverage the most comprehensive market reporting available to consistently deliver actionable insights that result in greater equity and profitability for clients undergoing mergers and acquisitions, de novo review, and annual compensation alignments.

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

African proverb

Philippe Asselin


Chief Consultant


10 Years

Philippe Asselin has a real sense for team and process and bringing the two together for powerful performance results. While Philippe is able to connect with and support hundreds of banks and credit unions across the country, you’ll see him at his best when he consults one-on-one and educates on the tools that ensure his clients find success. He’s most energized by being able to empower HR leadership with the BalancedComp systems that help them work smarter.

Philippe’s background brings varied perspectives to the conversation and deconstructs client obstacles with a well-rounded approach. He spent more than 20 years managing some of the world’s most profitable restaurants and was an executive at a billion-plus asset-sized financial institution for several years.

This dedicated family man, and proud Troy University alum, shares the same drive and focus in financial institution board rooms as he does his many personal pursuits. In 2010 he organized, and still manages, a charity paddleboard race to fundraise a low-income scholarship program. He’s also actively involved with the National Breast Cancer Foundation, K9s for Warriors, and The Wounded Warrior Foundation.

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.”

Peter Drucker

Rachel Prine


Senior Compensation and Performance Management Consultant


3.5 Years

Rachel is the newest addition to our expert consultant team and brings with her more than 30 years of experience in HR. Rachel knows the ins and outs of compensation and is passionate about freeing up our HR professionals to spend their valuable time developing their businesses and their employees-- their most valuable assets.

Rachel graduated Cum Laude from WSU and earned an MBA from Baker University. Empathy and communication are pillars by which she lives her life, and it shows every day in the work she does with clients. She is a trusted partner for many banks and credit unions and is dedicated to compensation excellence. Rachel regularly attends local, state, and national conferences held by SHRM and is heavily involved in their local and national chapters.

When not in the office or with a client, Rachel enjoys crafting heartfelt, handmade cards for every occasion, sending out over 700 each year. She has recently been certified as a Granny Basketball Referee for her Wichita Sugar and Spice Granny Basketball team, of which she is a founding member. Dress For Success and Womens’ Initiative Network are non-profits that she has held close to her heart over the course of her life, participating in events and fundraisers as much as her schedule allows. In the small amount of downtime, she likes to listen to Aretha Franklin and spend time with her husband, dogs, and two adult sons.

“Just do it”


Deborah Reid


Senior Executive Consultant


11.5 Years

To see Deborah Reid truly in her element, you’ve got to witness her on-site with new clients implementing the BalancedComp product, training, and educating. She has more than 30 years experience as an SHRM-certified HR professional. That expertise, coupled with the prowess of the applications, makes Deborah a trusted advisor to hundreds of banks and credit unions across the US.

She has an honest approach to HR management that makes her an empathetic and stalwart partner committed to ensuring her clients earn the greatest value through her counsel. When she’s not in the room with clients, she’s readily available to troubleshoot a performance review or position grade, or work through a compensation concern.

Deborah is a devoted contributor to the Kansas Humane Society and St. Jude charities. Her heart is otherwise dedicated to a large family of three adult children, and twin labradors!

“Treat others the way that you want them to treat you!”

Jeff Miller




0.5 Years

Jeff Miller is a driven and perceptive consultant, dedicated to delivering exceptional service to our clients as they navigate and deepen their know-how in all things compensation. Having directly worked at both a credit union and the 5th largest financial market data company around the globe for over 9 years, the combined fintech, market intelligence, and financial institution experience has fueled his innate mission to educate and empower people through shared knowledge.

Here at BalancedComp, Jeff is passionate about creating a positive impact in our clients’ lives. He will serve as a buffer to our Senior Consultants, aiding in the job grading process, offering demos, and leveraging internal tools to provide the most accurate data possible for client success and sustainability.

Outside of work, he enjoys cooking, gaming, and traveling. His other interests include content creation, photography, and volunteer work.

“If a man hasn't discovered something that he will die for, he isn't fit to live.”


Crystal Hughes




0.5 Years

Crystal Hughes is a passionate and eager consultant with over 5 years of experience in strategic business planning for small businesses. She’s found being an advocate for both a company and its employees to be particularly impactful, developing a warrior spirit ready to fight for what’s right for clients and their success.

As a consultant, Crystal will help to interpret data necessary for clients to make informed, strategic HR decisions for their respective financial institutions. As growth is one of her biggest motivators, she appreciates the personal and professional development, value for employees, and aligned missions at BalancedComp.

When she’s not in the office, you’ll most often find Crystal with her two boys, Rhett and Lukas, living their best outdoor lives - hiking, camping, and playing any sport possible. She’s also an avid hiker, already having weathered the Rockies and the Appalachian Mountains. Her next goal: the Grand Canyon.

“Don’t talk about it, be about it.”

Bob Burns

Jacqualyn Summervill


Chief Operating Officer & Head of Product


13 Years

Jacqualyn Summervill thrives on rationalizing painstaking processes, as well as infusing the mundane with humor and beauty. This is no more evident than in the usability and experience of the BalancedComp, BalancedResults and BalancedRewards applications. Jacqualyn has been the visionary behind simplifying and streamlining the industry’s biggest compensation pain points through insightful design, beautiful interfaces, and a bit of whimsy where it’s least expected.

As the leader behind BalancedComp’s product vision, strategy, design, development, and implementation, Jacqualyn’s work touches each of our clients in a direct and meaningful way. It’s why she’s diligent in her efforts to absorb as much feedback and insight as possible, from clients and the industry as a whole, to not only meet their needs but stay two (or ten) steps ahead.

She travels as much as possible, inspired by a summer spent in Cairo. The Windy City Rails developer conference is on her annual itinerary, and wherever else the wind may send her. Jacqualyn, her husband and daughter share their home with three rescue pit bulls.

“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan ‘press on’ has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.”

Calvin Coolidge

Jordan Summervill


Compensation Manager


10 Years

Jordan Summervill is an experienced compensation analyst who works directly with our clients to address their questions and concerns and coach them through the most efficient ways to use or implement the BalancedComp suite of products. He’s a dynamic team player who has a deep understanding of the systems, our business, and our clients’ needs.

He’s a real innovator and goes out of his way to identify processes or reports that could be better organized, more efficient, or more aesthetically pleasing, always putting the client and user needs first.

Jordan’s energy knows no bounds, and whether at home or in the office he’s always playing music, entertaining and enjoying loved ones (especially his daughter), and getting as much time in the gym as he can.

Andrew Stephens


Chief Brand Officer


8 Years

Andrew Stephens is a multidisciplinary designer with more than a decade of professional experience. He hails from both agencies and in-house environments where he honed an ability to visually and creatively solve communication challenges. His open-minded approach to each new project makes him a unique artist whose work is intended for the audience, not a personal expression.

He has been essential in framing the overall creative vision for the BalancedComp brand and its products, aligning our vision, goals, and user needs with a strategic voice, look, and feel. Andrew is energized by the way intentional design improves the daily lives of the clients we serve.

His previous design work has supported banks, non-profits, music, and aviation, all influenced by muses like good records, great meals, novelty dances, and family.

“The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of starstuff.”

Carl Sagan

Thea Pajunen


UX/UI Designer


2 Years

Thea Pajunen is a passionate and curious UX/UI designer who forges a path at the intersection of detail, empathy, and product design to turn complex ideas and systems into easy, intuitive experiences for our clients. The BalancedComp product and creative teams turn to her to develop and refine streamlined user experiences across our suite of web applications and landing page designs.

Her role is deeply immersed in balancing user psychology fundamentals and anticipated behaviors to help frame creative design needs. The ultimate goal is to eliminate pain points for our end users and discover new, unexpected ways to foster joy and brand loyalty through thoughtfully constructed user experiences.

Outside of BalancedComp, Thea can be found hunting for unique treasures and hidden gems while thrift shopping, soaking in the sun at a nearby park, or feeding her creativity through live music experiences.

“Life is nothing if you're not obsessed.”

John Waters

Vic Lawrence


Graphic Designer


0.5 Years

Vic Lawrence is a driven designer and recent PR and advertising graduate who brings dynamic energy and perspectives to BalancedComp. As stated in her own words, she joined the BalancedComp family to be part of an incredible team and company passionate about their work.
With a keen eye and passion for design, Vic’s role dives deep into visual storytelling and crafting illustrative narratives that captivate numerous audiences. Here, she is eager to contribute fresh ideas while growing her craft and helping elevate our brand, adding her own creative flair.
Outside of work, you can usually find Vic immersed in the local indie music scene supporting new talent, exploring the city of Denver, or hanging out at home with her 2 fur babies, Mina and Horace.

“Art is freedom. Being able to bend things most people see as a straight line.”


Jennifer Wheeler


Marketing Director


1.5 Years

Jennifer Wheeler is a versatile, “Jill-of-all-trades” marketer with more than a decade of B2B/B2C professional experience. A hybrid background in recruitment/talent acquisition and digital marketing within corporate and agency environments has allowed her to solve timeless internal/external challenges through streamlined communications and digital needs. Jennifer’s work has spanned numerous industries, including: IT, clinical/biopharma, healthcare, consumer electronics, and more. This brings fresh, versatile perspectives and innovative approaches to multi-faceted projects and audience segmentations.

Here at BalancedComp, Jennifer works closely with stakeholders, cross-functional departments, and client partnerships to identify and streamline harmonized communications and maintain an optimized, end-to-end experience for all. In many cases, her focus is creating and delivering meaningful content through digital marketing strategies built around obtaining internal/external root objectives and measurable success metrics.

As an advocate of experiences over stuff, she enjoys staying immersed in music, art, good food, travel, friends, family, and multicultural experiences outside of work with her husband and 3 fur babies.

“Choose your hard.”

Devon Brough

James Truhlar


Senior Front-End Developer


6.5 Years

James Truhlar is a versatile web developer who bridges the gap between the design and code ecosystems to bring digital products and experiences to life. For every part of the BalancedComp applications that our clients touch and interact with, James has masterfully coded behind the scenes.

He shares a wealth of experience with the team, and a commitment to never stop learning. He is in constant pursuit of the latest tech innovations, to understand and further deepen his own skills. This extends to his interests and background in tech support, photography, motion graphics, 3D modeling, and graphic design.

It’s not all screen time and binary for James. He is proud of this personal orchard where he grows peaches and pears, and is just as likely to be out cruising in his pink pickup truck as he is a kayak. James’ personal art outlet is knitting caps.

“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”

Sun Tzu

Michael Spohn


Engineering Manager


8.5 Years

Michael Spohn refuses to get left behind in the ever-expanding technology field, and likes to stay informed of the latest innovations. As a developer, he invests that learning back into the applications he builds and leverages those findings to improve the product experience. He is a full-stack developer with a background in standard web, mobile, and application production who is devoted to the art and skill of programming.

Michael is an active member of DevICT, Wichita’s unified web and software community, and annually attends the Windy City Rails conference in Chicago. He’s happily given the rest of himself over to his young daughter, who’s got his two-foot long hair wrapped around her finger!

“Fear is the mind-killer.”

Frank Herbert

Lewis Ayers


Senior Software Engineer


2 Years

Lewis Ayers is a seasoned trailblazer in the world of software engineering, armed with an extensive arsenal of programming languages and frameworks. His knack for tinkering and identifying continuous system improvements helps turn complex problems into code, elevating the user experience across our suite of web applications and keeping any SaaS platform running like a well-oiled machine.

The abundant prospects for growth and the friendly team drew Lewis to BalancedComp. Here, he develops and maintains application code (full-stack development), designs, and deploys system architecture. He gains the most satisfaction out of creating technical solutions that improve direct application, building end-to-end experiences, and broadening his skill set through exposure to a plethora of DevOps enrichment opportunities.

Outside of work, Lewis is also an avid global traveler with his wife, having spanned across the EU, Asia, and 2 Pacific islands so far. He also proudly served 8 years in the Air Force and enjoys perfecting his craft in various types of fabrication, including: 3D printing, electronics, woodworking, and welding.

“Lord, grant me the strength to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

Reinhold Niebuhr

Nick Summervill




6 Years

Nick Summervill is an ambitious junior developer with a real love for coding work. He considers it an honor to contribute to building and maintaining the innovative web applications created at BalancedComp. He’s a graduate of Centriq Training Institute, where he was immersed in the full-stack development environment.

That ability to read between the lines and nimbly work through challenging situations as a former professional poker player continues to serve him well in his role as web developer.

Outside of the office, Nick maintains a full house where he enjoys his free time with wife Jennifer and two beloved fur babies, Titan and Minny. He’s inspired by travel to exotic destinations like Thailand, and also likes to unwind on the golf course.