Effective Corporate Bonus Planning with BalancedRewards
Live Webinar

Annual corporate bonuses can boost morale, incentivize employees, and ensure that staff feels rewarded and appreciated. Done incorrectly, it can become an expensive entitlement program. The difference is how well you create a line of sight between what employees can control and the corporate metrics for success. In this webinar, you will see how easy it is to develop an effective corporate incentive program that has a return on investment.

The takeaways:

  • Selecting the right KPIs and success metrics for your business that fund your operating profit, keeping you and your employees happy.
  • How to gauge whether your bonus plan is currently rewarding too much/little.
  • How to build accurate forecasts of what each corporate goal will cost in advance.

Who should attend:

This webinar was developed for HR managers, directors, and executives who are BalancedComp clients and want to explore enhancing the total employee rewards proposition using a corporate incentive program.

Christie Summervill


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