Modern times call for a modern salary survey

By Christie Summervill

Modern times call for a modern salary survey

The 2020 BalancedComp Salary & Incentive Survey is the foremost tool for identifying emerging trends in the financial industry.

Introducing the modern salary survey: With new questions about contemporary topics, such as gender pay equity and remote work, our mission to make data work for people is taking the next leap forward.

Last year, BalancedComp found that approximately 36% of participants conducted a Gender Pay Equity Analysis in 2018. Our data projects this number will grow to upwards of 50%, and potentially double, for 2019. As equal pay protections strengthen, we’re confident this number will continue to increase in the coming years. With your participation, we have an opportunity to impact the creation of equitable workplaces significantly.

We collect data on real topics that lead to competitive decision-making, including:

  • HRIS/Payroll 
  • PTO
  • Turnover
  • Health Benefits
  • Budgeting
  • Retirement 401(K)
  • Retirement SERP
  • Internal Minimum Wage NEW
  • Gender Pay Equity NEW
  • Remote Work NEW

Many surveys collect data on a limited number of benchmark position titles. We take a deeper dive. Our survey includes over 140 benchmark positions, including trendy roles such as Digital Banking Manager, Business Intelligence Analyst, Information Security Officer, and more. On top of that, this year, we have introduced brand new positions such as Commercial Loan Portfolio Manager and Cash Management Specialist.

Take the survey

The 2020 BalancedComp Salary & Incentive Survey is open now. Participate before June 5, 2020, and save $400 on the results once they are released (est. September 2020).

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