Fate > Monster.com

By Christie Summervill

Fate > Monster.com

Welcome Aboard, Philippe Asselin!

The air around the BalancedComp water cooler (we only have one, but it’s NICE), has been filled with all of the idioms regarding life’s little serendipities.

The stars aligned; we had a stroke of luck; we found $20 in an old pair of jeans; we hit all green lights during rush hour; we washed our cars and it didn’t rain the next day.

This isn’t the first time we’ve felt fortunate. We take great pride in our team – one that has come together organically, filling each new role perfectly, and without horrible growing pains. That is why are so excited to announce our newest Compensation and Performance Management Consultant, Philippe Asselin.

Chances are, you’ve already heard of him – and not just because he has a fancy French-Canadian name. Like the rest of our consultants, Philippe is one of those rare breeds who has worked both in human resources and for a software company.

That alone made him a perfect fit for our team. It was when we found out his HR experience was at a financial institution, and his software company only worked with banks & credit unions, we realized he was our unicorn.

It was like finding an Amazing Spiderman #1 for 50 cents at a garage sale.

He gets us. He buys into our deeply held conviction of never becoming a company that simply sells you software – and that our passion for expert consulting coupled with the best software on the market is what sets us apart.

Philippe will be manning the helm in Panama City, Florida – why he wouldn’t trade his sand & surf for our wheat & tornados we couldn’t tell you – but we know he’d love to hear from you. He’d also love to take you paddle boarding.

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