New Features: November 2022

By Jacqualyn Summervill

New Features: November 2022

Our November release focuses on getting you what need, right when you need it, without having to contact your consultant or support (even though we love hearing from you!). From CEO Reports, to all your reviews, to custom budget reports, this release is a treasure trove of instant deliverables.

NEW: CEO Reports can now be generated within the app
Since we offer these reports to non-clients for $1000, you’ve previously had to go to another website, enter all your information and a coupon code, and then wait 24 hours for your report. This year, you’ll be able to generate those reports from within your BalancedComp System!

It’s worth noting that while this feature is available now, the 2022-2023 numbers will not be available until mid-to-late December, as usual.

Access this new feature from the Miscellaneous Reports page, as shown:

CEO Salary Report

NEW: Download all your draft, active, and/or completed reviews
Formerly an arduous project we had to charge for, this is now a feature readily available in the BalancedResults system at no additional cost! From the “All Employees” page, you can choose whether you want to include and download all draft, active, and completed reviews, which will be downloaded and emailed to you in a zipped folder.


NEW: More Budget XLS Report Customization
You’ve always been able to download your BalancedComp budgets into Excel with employees grouped by scenario. At the request of many clients, we’ve now expanded this feature so that you can group your budget employees by supervisor, department, or performance level!

IMPROVED: More speed improvements: Historical budgets cut by 60%
In line with similar recent improvements, we’re continuing to decrease BalancedComp page load times in data-intensive areas. This release saw the “All Historical Budgets” page drop by 60%!

IMPROVED: Reworked Webinar landing pages to a new design with more content
We’ve given each of our website webinars an entire landing page so prospects and clients can better understand who the webinars are for, what will be covered, and who will lead each webinar.


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