New Features: December 2022 | BalancedComp | BalancedComp
New Features: December 2022

By Jacqualyn Summervill

New Features: December 2022

We know firsthand just how arduous Q4 can be! This December, our release focuses on enhancing the processes we know our clients are navigating this time of year: creating budgets and helping supervisors complete their employees’ performance reviews.

NEW: “Active Plan Status” report in BalancedResults
At the end of the year, many of our client admins are tasked with ensuring all BalancedResults plans:

  • Have an employee assessment
  • Have a supervisor overview
  • Receives final approval
  • Gets electronically signed by the supervisor
  • Gets electronically signed by the employee

This year, that will be a breeze! Our new report (shown below) will let you view all active reviews and whether those steps have been completed.

Active Plan Status Report


NEW: Merit Increase Matrices are now viewable in Active and Historical Budgets
Until now, we’ve assumed all work on the merit increase matrix would be done at the scenario phase rather than the budget phase. Thanks to client feedback, we now understand the importance of being able to reference the merit increase matrices in BalancedComp after doing that work and making those decisions! You’ll now be able to reference all your merit increase matrices in active and historical budgets, as shown in the image below.

Matrices in Budgets


IMPROVED: Ability to print and email salary review statements from scenarios
Previously, we required BalancedComp users to have created budgets before they could generate salary review statements. In an effort to reduce stipulations and guessing, we’ve pulled that ability down to the scenario level. Now you can generate and email salary review statements from any step in the budget-building process!

The improved download, print, and email features are shown in the following image at the top right:

Print and Email from Scenarios


IMPROVED: Admins can override active plans back to a draft state
Sometimes a BalancedResults plan gets prematurely activated! We get it. To help with this, we’ve added an admin action on the Initial Approvals page of all reviews that allows company admins to take plans back to the Draft state.

This new feature can be seen below:

Override back to draft


IMPROVED: Added 1-month reminder for final review dates
This is another enhancement, thanks to client feedback! Sometimes supervisors need more than a 2-week heads up that performance reviews should be finalized in BalancedResults, so we’ve added a 1-month email reminder.

IMPROVED: More speed improvements to Budgets
We know we’re starting to sound like a broken record – but our larger BalancedComp clients need love too! We know this area of the system has the most room for improvement, and this month we’ve rolled out another considerable speed improvement to Budgets.

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