New Features: January 2023

By Jacqualyn Summervill

New Features: January 2023

This release was entirely based on client feedback. We reserve December for responding to increased client needs and quickly building and releasing improvements for you as you are in the system working on budgets and performance reviews this time of year.

IMPROVED: Grade 0 employees are now excluded from compa ratio reports
In October, we added the ability to override positions to a grade 0 in BalancedComp. In the following months, our clients realized that these resulted in 0% compa ratios for many employees, and that number majorly impacted their company averages. For that reason, we’ve started excluding grade 0 employees from compa ratio reports. But don’t worry! No surprises! We’ll always let you know how many employees are being excluded if this applies to your system.

Grade 0 employees are now excluded from compa ratio reports

NEW: Added the option to print Feedback Sessions with performance reviews
Based on your feedback, we’ve added the ability to include Feedback Sessions and their notes when you print a performance review in BalancedResults.

Added the option to print Feedback Sessions with performance reviews

IMPROVED: We now offer confirmation when a user reminds an employee to fill out their Employee Assessment
One of our clients was kind enough to point out that when they reminded an employee to fill out their employee assessment, there was no confirmation that they wanted to take that action and then there was no feedback that the action had taken place. We’ve remedied that!

We now offer confirmation when a user reminds an employee to fill out their Employee Assessment

IMPROVED: More dramatic speed improvements to the budget builder
We don’t know if you’re noticing a trend yet, but this is the 3rd release in a row that we’ve mentioned speed improvements to the budget builder! It remains a focus of ours to make this feature a delight to use for even our largest BalancedComp clients.

IMPROVED: Updated text styles in Results to increase legibility
Over the last year, we’ve started focusing on accessibility. With that in mind, when we heard some users struggled to read text in BalancedResults, our Creative team jumped into action. They’ve combed through the app and updated our regular and bold text styles so that all our users can read their performance review content with ease.

IMPROVED: Results datepicker now works on touchscreens
Again thanks to client feedback, we discovered our BalancedResults datepickers not only didn’t work on Microsoft Surface tablets, but all touch screens! Through much trial and error, we’ve resolved the issue and verified that feature is now functional for all our mobile users.

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