This is the Year of Equal Pay

2022 is the year of “equal pay” for women at all levels of work. State and city legislation is being implemented across the country so that all workers know what the salary range is for jobs they are applying for in advance. What does this mean for financial institutions moving forward?

The 3 Revamps of 2021 and Beyond

The new normal comes with new rules. BalancedComp’s 2021-2022 Salary and Incentive Survey provides essential intel for the changing financial industry workforce.

How Does Remote Work Impact Compensation?

Not long ago, 86% of the world’s workforce had work routines that likely involved many stressful activities to start the day.

Confessions from a Discouraged (and Terminated) HR Executive

John, a CHRO at a bank, shared his extreme disappointment in how salary administration was handled at his previous employers and how it led to his voluntary termination.

Gender Pay Gap: Exacerbated by the Pandemic

Simply put, women still only earn $0.82 on average per every $1.00 that their male counterparts earn for the same work.

Celebrating Black Women in Finance

As we come to the end of Black History Month and prepare to enter Women’s History Month, we at BalancedComp wanted to shine the spotlight on three influential black women in the finance industry that have been inspiring us this month.

How to Give a Successful Performance Review During a Pandemic

Now may not feel like the right time to conduct performance evaluations. But a global crisis means compassionate and direct communication with your employees is crucial.

Can you incent employees to work through the COVID-19 crisis?

A thoughtful client question led us to consider what constitutes a successful incentive during this pandemic and, likewise, how to avoid rewarding the wrong behaviors.

Using Data to Address Gender Wage Inequality

BalancedComp specializes in creating rational, simple to use and equitable compensation design tools for financial institutions.
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