When it comes to employee turnover, financial institutions often focus on reducing it, equating lower turnover with decreasing costs, stability, and success. Lower turnover means fewer replacement costs and less time spent recruiting and onboarding new employees, which, on the surface, is a win. However, what if too low of low turnover is quietly working against your organization’s long-term goals?
The end goal of performance reviews is to help employees understand their strengths and weaknesses and improve. Managers often treat these mechanically, while employees are primarily focused on the amount of annual increase they will receive, with little concern for the feedback from their manager. Could it be that by shifting their perspective and recognizing the mutual benefits of open communications and genuine feedback, the performance review can completely transform?
The labor market is starting to cool off after record-high pay raises in 2023 and 2024. Last year was the year of the outlier for the banking industry, with some jobs, like IT Business Analyst, seeming to have salary growth of up to 40% over the past two years in at least one national survey.
Small to medium-sized financial institutions are typically employee-centric and deeply committed to fostering a positive work culture that values collaboration, empathy, and kindness. Their core values align with the belief that a friendly and supportive environment enhances employee well-being and strengthens customer relationships. However, this can make addressing the delicate balance between niceness and performance challenging.
As AI reshapes the financial services industry, banks and credit unions must adapt to remain competitive. The transformation of compensable factors and job duties is inevitable.
One of the most challenging conversations you may encounter is explaining to employees that their current salary level exceeds the maximum of the pay range, making them ineligible for a salary increase.
Administrator Isabella Casillas Guzman, Head of the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) and the voice for America’s 33.2 million small businesses, opened a window of new applications for Small Business Lending Company (SBLC) licenses for the first time in over 40 years.